RaSiM 11 is to be held in Luleå, Sweden between August 25 and 29, 2025. The Symposium will include workshops and short courses on the first day or two before the symposium and will finish with a few alternative field trips. The symposium will be held with parallel sessions during three days.


Suggested Symposium program

The aim of the event is to bring together rock mechanics, mining engineers, and geoscientists in order to stimulate the interaction between them and to improve the connections between research and practical applications of rockbursts and mining-induced seismicity. On one side, there will be a possibility for mining engineers to show the problems related to rockbursts and mining-induced seismicity. On the other side, researchers can showcase advancements and the results which can be used in practice. The event will also provide a forum for discussion (round table) of the challenges that both engineers and scientists face, the most important problems that need urgent solutions, and can give opportunity to develop future collaborations.

The following topics are considered to be the most important for the technical presentations: 

Strategic topics

  • Risk assessment and mitigation
  • Risk and hazard management and Control
  • Indicators of large seismic events in mines

Tactical topics

  • Seismic monitoring, Data analysis and interpretation
  • Case studies of rockbursts and forensic analyses
  • Non-seismic monitoring of stress and deformation in mines
  • Rock support in areas with rockbust hazard
  • Hydraulic fracturing and pre-conditioning
  • Laboratory experiments to simulate rockbursts or rockburst related problems

Invited lectures will be selected to provide insight into different aspects of rockbursts and mining-induced seismicity to get familiar or improve the understanding of these aspects by all participants. Lecturers with industrial experience will be given an opportunity to share their knowledge and concerns.

Several workshops or short courses will provide hands-on experience with available tools and software, or new methodology for analysis of seismic events, seismic hazard and risk management, and damage analysis.

Field trips will give an opportunity to visit mines and learn about the existing problems on site.

The final goal of the event is to give an opportunity for interaction between researchers and practitioners from different countries and continents and to improve the joint understanding of the existing problems, as well as t further development of new approaches, methods, tools, and cases studies for improve understanding of the rockburst phenomena, better management of the seismic hazard and its mitigation, and as a result safer mining operations.   

RaSiM 11 will assist in taking the industry another step closer to safe and economic mining at depth.

Workshops/Short Courses

The organizers plan to create and facilitate workshops and short courses on the relevant issues of interest during the days ahead of the Symposium. The workshops will be conducted in a similar manner as past RaSiM workshops and will be open to all registrants. The committee will solicit groups and individuals to submit proposals for both workshops (discussion forums) and short courses.

The RaSiM Symposium

The RaSiM Symposium will be held over 3 days, including inaugural sessions, keynote session and if necessary parallel technical sessions. Efforts will be made to select Keynote speakers from around the word and from key disciplines of the conference. The venue provides an opportunity for a parallel sessions, but the number will be kept at a minimum considering the number of presented papers and an appropriate presentation time.

Provided that Luleå’s invitation is accepted, a close contact with the International Advisory Committee (IAC) will be maintained throughout the planning of RaSiM 11 is finalized, in order to draw on previous experience. The IAC will be invited to nominate keynote speakers.

Paper Review Process

The organizing committee plans to appoint a technical program Chair to facilitate a strict review process, similar to that adopted by earlier RaSiM conferences to ensure that papers of high scientific and practical quality are presented at the symposium. IOC members and selected external reviewers will be asked to contribute to the process.


A fixed cost structure cannot be delivered at this date, though the ambitions are to keep the costs at a median level for a conference at this size. The organizing committee shares the opinion expressed by the previous organizes that there is a need to attract students and young staff (EITs). Rebates will be given for student participants and authors.


The organizing committee with solicit sponsors to assist in minimizing costs to attendees.


The symposium will include an exhibition during the symposium. The exhibition will provide a scope to present new technologies, software, research infrastructure, etc. The exhibition area is located close to the symposium area and participants will enjoy sufficient time and opportunity to visit the exhibition. The exhibitors will have an excellent opportunity to interact with the conference delegates.

Technical Tours

Two or three parallel, 1-day, technical tours will be arranged after the symposium.

One of the technical tours head for the mining district in northern Sweden. The tour intends to visit the LKAB Malmberget mine in Gällivare, and Kiirunavaara mine in Kiruna. During the tour the attendees will cross the Arctic Circle.

The second technical tour heads for central Sweden visiting the Boliden’s Garpenberg mine. The attendees will also have an opportunity to see and experience the nature in the area south of Stockholm.