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RaSiM 11 – Rockburst and seismicity in mines

24-29 August 2025 - Luleå, Sweden


Abstract submission: December 5, 2024 | Approval of abstracts: January 7, 2025 

Manuscript submission: March 31, 2025 | Acceptance of manuscripts: May 30, 2025


by Lulea University of Technology in co-operation with LKAB, Boliden, Itasca – Sweden, Rocksigma 



RaSiM symposiums started in 1984. Over the years they contributed to bring together the international mining community to share scientific advances in state-of-the-art technology, to introduce technical innovations, and to discuss the state-of-practice in engineering and mine operations in seismically active mines experiencing rockbursts. RaSiM has made major contributions to the progress in combating the hazard of rockbursts during its forty years of existence. Sweden as being a major player in mining and mining-related research and is pleased to offer to host the next RaSiM 11 in 2025.

Rockbursts and mining-induced seismicity in Sweden is in the centre of diverse research by the Luleå University of Technology and mining-related industry.

The projects, that were carried out or are currently active, vary from acoustic emission to seismic source parameters, closing and re-entry criteria due to seismic hazard and rockburst, short-to-long-term seismic hazard, forensic investigation of rock bursts, static and dynamic rock support, mechanism of large seismic events and rockbursts, relation between stress changes and seismicity in the mines, and many more.  

Today, LTU works in close cooperation with the Swedish mining industry and national and international consulting companies on the challenges of the mining-induced seismicity and rockbursts. We work also in close cooperation with the many researchers around the world. 

The RaSiM symposium will aim at an exchange of scientific and practical knowledge and experiences related to all aspects of rockburst and mining-induced seismicity. We, at Luleå University of Technology, would be proud to take on the challenge to organize the 11th RaSiM symposium in 2025. The organizing committee is eager to continue to bring operational, technological and scientific experiences together.